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    mud volcano

    Yanchao Township is the region with the most mud volcanoes. Yangnyu Lake is the classic mud volcano with lower mud viscosity, and it is one of the famous natural scenes of Yanchao Township. The shape of the lake is close to circular, with a diameter of 4-6 meters of spurting liquid as thin as black water, thus it is unable to form a hill, but rather became a pool with exploding noises which can be heard from afar.mud volcano

    According to the legend, there was a girl named A-Siou, who was adopted by one of the farming households, and was in love with Chang; however, she was forced by her stepmother to marry her disabled stepbrother; out of reluctance, A-Siou and Chang both jumped in the lake, and that was the origin of the name for Yangnyu (adopted daughter) Lake. It is also known as “Gunshuei (boiling water) Lake” due to the fact that the spurting mud sounds like boiling water.mud volcano crater






    Sun Valley

    This is the worst steep terrain of the township, which is connected to Tianliao Township; it is a region covered with Gutingkeng Mudstone with unique characteristics, thus it is worth taking a trip here.

    The area of steep terrain in Sun Valley is vast, forming a valley with steep saw-like surface and no plantation. The rocks are able to reflect the glow of the moon, but this scenery is gradually vanishing due to development.

    Sun Valley






    Agongdian Reservoir

    It was completed by Taiwanese people after land restoration, and is the dam with the longest embankment in Taiwan, which acts both as flood prevention and irrigation. The bicycle trail around the lake is suitable for one-day family outings. 

    Agongdian Reservoir is constructed at the middle-upper stream of Agongdian River, with the embankment located at the intersection of the two major branches of LiouJhoushuei RiverAgongdian Reservoir
